Just the short loop today because of a very late bride this morning, and I have to get back to take the confirmation class to the cathedral this afternoon.
Overcast and 66F.
Drogo is dying.
Just the short loop today because of a very late bride this morning, and I have to get back to take the confirmation class to the cathedral this afternoon.
Overcast and 66F.
Drogo is dying.
Didn't get to the woods yesterday as it was a crazy day at work with clocks and wedding rehearsals and Don being on vacation.
Lovely day today, sunny and breezy and 58F.
Tyrion in battle.
... Holly is still recovering from 6 hours running around the rectory back yard with Maggie and all the kids yesterday :)
Warm and a bit sticky, 78F.
Dany sees the reality of war.
66F, sunny and nice.
More filming prep just down the stream (to the left of this picture).
Poor Barriston Selmy.
After a mostly grey day and a bout of torrential rain this morning it had settled down a bit, still overcast and a bit cooler, 58F.
Tyrion and his rag-tag army of wild men meet up with his father's host.
It's gotten warmer and sticky again, 73F, and I wouldn't be surprised if we had a thunderstorm later.
Catlyn find Rob and his army.
A bit later than usual coz I was entertaining Colin's kids with the little drone after work :)
A lovely day, 74F and sunny with a very gentle breeze.
Bran hears of the danger north of the wall.
Another nice day, a bit overcast but 62F and a bit less humid.
Jon learns of the king's death and his father's supposed treason.
We decided CJ needed a bit of fresh air so he should come with me every now and then... I'd almost forgotten how much fun it is to just shoot the breeze with him in the woods :)
Warm and sunny, 65F.
Much quieter in the woods than yesterday! This spot was a veritable hive of activity, now there are just a few workmen down the hill, packing up the last porta-johns and stuff.
Warm and humid again, 67F & 90%.
Sansa is kept in the dark.
What started as kind of a grey morning had turned into a nice day, 65F and mostly sunny with a gentle breeze. I just wish I could get rid of this lousy cold :(
The King is dead, long live Joffrey the d-bag!
Hot and sticky, 79F! It's been pretty sunny most of the day, but it's a bit overcast now, and it's supposed to cool off again for the next few days.
Robert's dying wish.
Warm and slightly less humid than yesterday, but sunny and with a gentle breeze, 75F.
Viserys comes to the feast.
Long Vestry meeting all morning, and we have to rehearse the confirmands who are leading Morning Prayer tomorrow this afternoon, so we've just snuck out for a quick walk in between.
Warm and humid, 77F, the little girl on the bridge is watching Holly swim :)
Sansa and Arya are not happy about returning to Winterfell.
Cooler and damp, 54F, it's supposed to get hot by the weekend though.
Jon graduates to the Night's Watch.
After a busy day shuttling back and forward helping the Chapmans with their car woes it's a nice afternoon in the woods, 64F and sunny with a stiff breeze.
Tyrion does not like the Sky Cells.
Another nice one, 62F and mostly sunny, but quite windy.
Successful Annual Meeting after church this morning and a harp recital to look forward to this afternoon.
Dany arrives at Vaes Dothrak.
... Spring is back!
Warm and humid, 75F, but the trails are all waterlogged after all the rain.
Tyrion's first blood.