More of the same, 27F and sunshine, a bit of a breeze making it feel colder.
The Beatles
The White Album
More of the same, 27F and sunshine, a bit of a breeze making it feel colder.
The Beatles
The White Album
A bit colder, 25F, and we had some flurries this morning. We didn't come here yesterday as on Monday night Holly was holding one back leg off the ground and it seemed Luke she couldn't put any weight on it. Of course yesterday she seemed fine after some of the anti-inflammatory we usually give her (she does this kind of thing quite often), but it was so icy I thought it better to rest her for a day. She seems to absolutely fine now :)
Love in the First Degree (Eurobeat style)
The Classic Hits Collection
Colder again, 31F, but still bright and sunny. The trails have frozen again and are easier to walk on (with crampons).
Keepin' It Real
Barenaked Ladies
Grinning Streak
Much like yesterday, 48F and sunny and I'm striking along in shirt sleeves :)
I'm Not Wearing Underwear Today
Avenue Q
Original Broadway Cast
Another warm one, 42F. My 25" snowshoes are perfect for the softened snow :)
Valley Girl
Frank Zappa
Strictly Commercial
Back in the woods after missing a day yesterday coz of the snow removal in the church parking lot.
Gray and misty, but at least the rain has stopped, 39F. It's supposed to get even warmer the next couple of days, but it's gonna take a while for all this to melt!
The Lego Movie soundtrack
... for a possible 10" of new white stuff tomorrow. Lots of shoveling, but it should mean the trails should be ripe for snowshoes again :)
Cold with watery sunshine, 23F.
Come Follow the Band (Cy Coleman version)
Original Broadway Cast
Another gorgeous day! 21F, bright sunshine and a light breeze. Another storm looms on Thursday, but for now I'll take it :)
I Like Your Style
Original Broadway Cast
We got a fresh 1 1/2" of snow last night so I'm back on my faithful snowshoes (and yes, I did get up at 5 to clear it off the sidewalks, that's why I'm in the woods now).
Crisp, sunny and 26F.
Tom Lehrer
Songs and More Songs
More people have been on the trail and beaten down a path so hiking spikes are the order of the day... more snow tonight though (only about an inch) so we may be back on snowshoes tomorrow.
28F and watery sunshine.
Johnny Quest/Stop That Pigeon
Reverend Horton Heat
Saturday Morning Cartons
A few more sets of footprints, but not many :)
A bit greyer and 25F.
Hollywood Medley
Mandy Patinkin
Dress Casual
Holly and I are the first ones on the trails since yesterday's snow :)
There is a crust of ice on top that supports Holly's weight, and my snowshoes keep me up on top mostly :)
Cold and brisk, sunny and 22F.
No music, enjoying the crunch underfoot.
Didn't get out at all yesterday (poor doggy), and we're due to get at least another 6 inches tonight, but a gorgeous day like today almost makes up for it :)
Sunny and 32F.
The Housemartins
Now That's What I Call Quite Good
Crazy warm all of a sudden, 49F and the trails are a lovely mix of slush and mud :)
Although it's supposed to snow again tomorrow... and then again on Wednesday... and again on Saturday...
Max and Gus
Tony Trishka
Solo Banjo Works