Cool and windy, 39F.
A night out with Boris.
Much warmer today, 61F.
Lots of people in the woods today walking of their turkey dinners... one of whom is my son, who offered to come with me just because he felt like a walk :)
A bit warmer but overcast, 52F.
No book today- the annual playing of Alice's Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie :)
Another nice, seasonal day: sunny, still and cool, 47F.
Engagement to Kitzy and cards from Mr Reeve.
A nice fall afternoon, low sun and 48F.
Holly just spent a happy 15 minutes romping around with a 2 year old Border Collie mix, so I think we can class her as pretty much back to fighting form :) Guess I'll have to get the tennis ball back out ;)
Dinner with the Barbers and tales of years with drugs.
Late walk cox I had to go pick up my car in White Plains (finally got the air bag problem fixed).
Cool and windy and getting quite dark, 53F.
News of Andy and his father's deaths.
An early walk today as I need the brief daylight left after work to help Crisp with a photo project.
Sunny and cold, 46F, with a light breeze.
Stashing the painting in a storage facility.
Getting dark earlier and earlier :(
A tad warmer, 61F, and very still.
News of the other art thieves.
Just a quick run around the woods today as I have to get back to help finish setting up for Crisp's 16th birthday party in the parish hall :)
Cool and breezy, 52F.
Random music today-
Hotel California
A lovely, blustery, fall day- sunny, windy and 44F :)
Early college program and anxiety about recovered paintings.
Out for a very gentle stroll with Holly and Crisp. I was going to keep Holly out of the woods for a few days, but Crisp needed her to pose for a picture here for his photography class. No tennis ball though!
Warm and pleasant, 54F, with low sunshine and no wind to speak of.
Taking a break from the Goldfinch for a day as I have my camera with me. I am however listening to a random selection of music by Shostakovich, which seems quite appropriate for this strangely warm (71F) and sticky day with a strong, gusty wind.
The clocks have changed so it's an hour darker :( 59F and quite still.
Theo's wants to get the hell out of Vegas!