Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday, turned out nice again :)

Another lovely day, 69.7F,  sunny and a light breeze.

Long loop today at a leisurely pace :)
We got hold of Crispy's summer reading list for 7th grade the other day, and I was thrilled to find that it includes The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy! They have flagged it as "challenging", but I think he's more than up to it, and as I can quote huge sections of it from memory he can ask me if he needs any of it explaining. I'm really looking forward to finding out what he thinks of it- I think he's going to love it!

I dug out my CDs of the original radio series so that we can listen to it onto the way down to NC in August (after he's read the book of course- although really the radio series came first...) and I'm currently enjoying it as I walk through the woods :)

Fit the Third

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