Thursday, June 30, 2011


Warm and getting sticky again, 80.5F.

Move Along, Ruby
Silje Nergaard
Tell Me Where You're Going

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday's gentle saunter

Lovely today! 80.1F, but less humid and a gentle breeze.

Any Time At All
The Beatles
A Hard Day's Night (2009 mono remix)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Another warm one, 80.1F, and I'm looking forward to a shower when I get home- spent most of the day moving furniture around the nursery school so am a bit of a sweaty mess!

The Ricky Gervais Show
Monkeynews Bobsled

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday- short loop

I've left Jackie manning the veg distribution and a guy painting lines on the parking lot while I snuck out to do the short loop with Holly.

78.6F and sticky!

Death-cab for Cutie
The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday afternoon

Warm and sticky again, 78.2F, but a bit overcast.

My Friends
Sweeney Todd
Orig. Cast

Well, after some fooling around with different photo apps this morning I think I have settled on Camera Advance Lite (and if I keep using it I'll upgrade to the full version- I like to support developers of good software). It works simply, seems to have pretty good auto white balance and has a nice interface that makes it easy to email a picture to my blog.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday afternoon

Warmer and a bit sticky, 79.6F.

Jacob & Sons/Joseph's Coat
Joseph & the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
US Revival Cast

Uh-oh! I upgraded my phone this morning by installing the same hacked firmware I've been using on my Nook- and I guess it doesn't play well with the ProZoom 5X camera app I've been using, and unfortunately I didn't notice this 'til I got home. I'll have to revert back to the native camera app while I do some delving...

Friday, June 24, 2011


Another damp one,  67.9F and drizzly.

Symphony #9 for Strings

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tropical Thursday

We had a huge thunderstorm and downpour at lunchtime, so now the humidity must be around 98%!  It's not that hot (69. 8F)  but I'm dripping with sweat!

You're a Better Man Than I
Shame 69
Adventures of the Hersham Boys

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday, damp!

We had a drenching thunderstorm earlier so it's very humid! 75.5F.

Be True to Your School
The Beach Boys
All Summer Long

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bikes on the bridge

Warm and sticky, 80.0F.

Of to see Paxton in Westport tonight :)

Sweet Georgia Brown
Oscar Peterson
I Got Rhythm

Monday, June 20, 2011


Another nice one,  78.2F and a bit stickier.

When I Fall
Barenaked Ladies
... Live at Universal Studios

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Lovely weather, sunny, 78.3F and low humidity.

I'm posting this from home after my walk as I was doing my good deed for the day when I snapped the picture-

Just before the bridge I ran into a family (Mike, his wife, and 2 girls about 5- twins?)  who had started on the Weinberg Nature Center trail (about 1 1/2 miles north)  and got lost. So Holly and I guided them to the parking lot where I park (about 1/2 mile from this bridge)  and left the mom and the girls at the playground while I drove the Dad to the Nature Center parking lot to pick up his car.

No music, chatting with the family about the woods.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday walk

Warm again,  79.2F, and starting to get sticky.

Trying out my new Contour GPS camera (more about that on the main blog I'm sure)

Ghost Town (extended version)
The Specials
The Best of...

Friday, June 17, 2011


Later than I wanted to be coz CJ had mates over after his exams this morning.

72.9F and big thunder getting closer so short loop today.

Adagio for Strings

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday- much going on in the woods

Warm and sticky,  78.4F.

Much going on with helicopters overhead and cops and TV satellite trucks in the parking lot. Apparently they've found a body in the woods (although it sounds like in the other direction from where I walk) - see my regular blog for more if I find anything out.

What Breaks a Heart
Joe Satriani
Strange Beautiful Music

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday, nice!

A lovely day today, 80.3F and low humidity with nice sunshine :)

The Prince & the Pauper

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Cooler, 63.8F, and a light rain shower has just started.

Time Machine
Joe Satriani
The Electric...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday, running a bit late

Just the short loop today as I'm running late due to:
1. Being Don while he's on vacation and therefore having to clean the nursery school
2. Having to pick up Crisp and all his stuff as it's locker clean-out day
3. Picking up our first bag of veggies from the CSA at the synagogue (organic salad for dinner!)

Kinda temperate, 69.4F

Beatles medley
Tony Trischka
Solo Banjo Works

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Cooper again, 67.0F, but still quite humid. Lots of people in the woods today.

Slow and Easy
Joe Satriani
Engines of Creation

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Back at Saxon Woods after a trip to Ward Pound Ridge yesterday. Just ran into a HUGE wild turkey.

Much cooler, 64.1F, and a bit drizzley.

The A-Team Theme
Television's Greatest Hits, volume 3, the 70s & 80s

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday- Hot!

It's 88.6F now, having cooled from 96 earlier, but it's VERY humid and it's got very overcast so I think we'll get a storm before long.  They actually closed all the Rye schools early at 1pm today because of the heat!

On a Promise
Fine Young Cannibals
Fine Young Cannibals

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wicked hot Wednesday

90.6F and humid, I'm sweating!

Fit the 12th

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Torrid Tuesday

Hotter,  85.7F, and sticky. Holly is very sensibly in the stream cooling off.

Fit the 11th

Monday, June 6, 2011

Muggy Monday

Warm,  79.3F, and sticky, and this is just the beginning, it's supposed to get up close to 100 by Thursday!

Fit the 10th

Sunday, June 5, 2011


A nice quiet walk after the picnic, 66.4F and a bit overcast and sticky.

Fit the 8th

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sunny Saturday

74.7F and nice again :)

Fit the 6th
HHGTTG (I've been listening in the car too)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday, turned out nice again :)

Another lovely day, 69.7F,  sunny and a light breeze.

Long loop today at a leisurely pace :)
We got hold of Crispy's summer reading list for 7th grade the other day, and I was thrilled to find that it includes The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy! They have flagged it as "challenging", but I think he's more than up to it, and as I can quote huge sections of it from memory he can ask me if he needs any of it explaining. I'm really looking forward to finding out what he thinks of it- I think he's going to love it!

I dug out my CDs of the original radio series so that we can listen to it onto the way down to NC in August (after he's read the book of course- although really the radio series came first...) and I'm currently enjoying it as I walk through the woods :)

Fit the Third

Thursday, June 2, 2011


What a beautiful day! 72.9F, a nice breeze and no humidity to speak of.

Concrete Jungle
The Specials
The Best of...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday, phew what a scorcher!

Hot and humid,  more like July than the first day of June: 88.4F and sticky.

Short loop today as we're under a tornado watch!

Blues for Gordon
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones
Three Flea Over the Cuckoo's Nest